Our friends at Sequoia Sightseeing Tours provide Jazzaffair shuttle service, which gives our jazz fans rides to our three venues! They offer excellent service and also provide tours to Sequoia National Park.
They have faithfully done this service for many years. We thank them.
The shuttle operates on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the festival. They will begin picking Jazz fans up at the Lions at 9:00 AM to attend the St. Anthony Retreat for Friday's Rowdy Brunch. The shuttle takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the loop between venues. This service is free to our badge holders.
However, there is no shuttle from the Lion's Roping Arena for Thursday's events. So RV campers need to call Linda at 559-303-5193 for a ride at 2:45 for the Sponsors Party, and then all others call for a ride at 5:30 to come to the Kickoff Dinner at the Memorial Building.